The Allure of Casinos: A Glittering World of Entertainment and Chance

Casinos have long been synonymous with glamour, excitement, and the promise of fortune. These vibrant hubs of entertainment have captured the imagination of people worldwide, providing an electrifying blend of risk and reward. Whether nestled on the iconic Las Vegas Strip, lining the boulevards of Monte Carlo, or dotting the skyline of Macau, casinos beckon with their neon lights and opulent interiors, inviting patrons into a world where luck is the currency and thrill is the commodity.

History and Evolution:

The roots of casinos can be traced back centuries, with origins in various cultures across the globe. The concept of games of chance has always held a certain allure, from the earliest dice games in ancient civilizations to the development of card games during the Renaissance. Casinos as we know them today began to take shape in the 17th century in Venice, Italy, where the first public gambling house, known as Ridotto, was established. Over the centuries, casinos evolved, adapting to changing societal norms and technological advancements.

Modern Casinos:

The modern casino is a multifaceted entertainment complex, offering a diverse array of games, shows, dining options, and luxurious accommodations. The quintessential casino experience is often associated with slot machines, poker tables, roulette wheels, and blackjack decks. However, the industry has expanded beyond traditional offerings, incorporating cutting-edge technology and innovative concepts to attract a broader audience.

The Glitz and Glamour:

Casinos are renowned for their opulent aesthetics and extravagant designs. Lavish decor, elaborate chandeliers, and eye-catching sculptures contribute to the overall atmosphere of grandeur. The ever-present jingle of slot machines, the rhythmic shuffling of cards, and the occasional cheer from a winning table create a sensory symphony that envelops visitors in a captivating world of indulgence and chance.

Games of Chance:

The heart of any casino lies in its diverse selection of games. Slot machines, with their mesmerizing lights and enticing sounds, draw in players seeking the thrill of hitting the jackpot. Table games, such as poker, blackjack, and roulette, appeal to those who enjoy strategic gameplay and the camaraderie of competing against fellow enthusiasts. Each game carries its own set of rules, strategies, and odds, contributing to the diverse tapestry of the casino experience.

Entertainment Beyond Gambling:

While gambling remains the primary attraction, modern casinos have diversified their offerings to cater to a wider audience. World-class entertainment acts, from iconic musicians to breathtaking live performances, grace the stages of casino theaters. Gourmet restaurants, celebrity chefs, and high-end bars add a culinary dimension to the casino experience, elevating it into a full-fledged entertainment destination.

Responsible Gambling:

Despite the allure of casinos, it's essential to acknowledge the importance of responsible gambling. Casinos are aware of the potential risks associated with excessive gambling, and many establishments have implemented measures to promote a safe and enjoyable environment. This includes self-exclusion programs, responsible gaming initiatives, and dedicated support services for those who may be experiencing difficulties related to gambling.


Casinos are more than mere establishments for games of chance; they are immersive entertainment complexes that captivate the senses and offer an escape from the ordinary. Whether you're drawn to the thrill of a high-stakes poker game, the mesmerizing lights of a slot machine, or the world-class entertainment on offer, casinos continue to be a glittering world where luck, luxury, and entertainment converge. As with any form of entertainment, moderation and responsibility are key to ensuring a positive and enjoyable casino experience.

The cryptocurrency market continues to restore

Рынок криптовалют продолжает восстановление

По итогам вторника криптовалютный рынок продолжает восстанавливаться, сообщает CoinDesk. Общая капитализация рынка превысила отметку в 80 млрд долларов США после выходных, на которых наблюдалось значительное снижение цены активов.

В целом рынок достиг отметки в 84,9 млрд долларов, тогда как в минувшие выходные этот показатель был на 40% меньше – 61 млрд долларов США.

Согласно данным Coinmarcetcap, по результатам вторника в течение 24 часов был отмечен рост всех 30 ведущих криптовалют. Ранее упавшие в цене биткоин, эфириум и XRP выросли более чем на 30%. Цена биткоина выросла до 2 300 долларов США, тогда как на выходных она падала ниже отметки в 2 000 долларов США, эфириум впервые с 14 июля достиг стоимости в 200 долларов США.

Рекордная стоимость криптовалютного рынка была достигнута в середине июня, тогда его общая капитализация составила 115 млрд долларов, на 18.07.2017 этот показатель снизился чуть более чем на 25%.

The neural network restored the lost paintings, the robot learned to ride Skate and other news from the world of AI

The neural network restored the lost paintings, the robot learned to ride Skate and other news from the world of AI

We strive to inform readers not only about events in the Bitcoin industry, but also to talk about what is happening in related technological spheres-cybersecurity, and now in the world of artificial intelligence (AI).

Forklog has collected the most important news from the world of AI over the past week.

  • In Russia, the recipients of a grant to support AI development were identified.
  • US Navy use artificial intelligence in the Middle East.
  • Natalya Kasperskaya urged not to share biometric data.
  • Alphabet launched the delivery of goods by drones in Australia.
  • The American military plan to “cleanse” the brain with the help of AI.
  • The US showed a robot capable of walking on a rope and traveling on a skate.
  • Google, using AI, restored the Picture of Gustav Klimt lost during World War II.

In Russia, the AI ​​research centers were selected to issue grants

A group of research centers in the field of artificial intelligence determined six recipients of a grant. They will allocate up to 1 billion rubles until 2024.

The winners were the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, the MIPT, the Institute of System Programming them. AT.P. Ivannikova, University Innopolis, ITMO and HSE.

The total support, taking into account extrabudgetary financing, will be 7 billion rubles.

US Navy use artificial intelligence in the Middle East

The Fifth Fleet of the United States will begin to use finished equipment with artificial intelligence to increase awareness of the situation in the Middle East.

According to Captain Michael Brasser, the military is now engaged in strengthening trusting relations between man and machine. The next step will be the involvement of sea and air drones for their use in real missions.

On September 9, the Navy created an operational group engaged in the involvement of military experts and third -party organizations for development in the field.

Natalya Kasperskaya urged not to share biometric data with companies

The co -founder of the Kaspersky Laboratory Natalya Kasperskaya recommended not to share her biometria, since it will “almost with a guarantee will be stolen, sold or salt”.

According to the entrepreneur, it is not Exchange MT.Gox: known how the companies will protect customer data, including from their employees. She also added that she does not understand the meaning of using biometrics:

“Why do you need to simplify user identification? Because “convenient” and “cool”? Why exchange security for the indulgence of laziness? Is it really so difficult – to get a password?””.

Media: AI creates problems for the CIA informants in China and Russia

Artificial intelligence made it difficult for the communication of the Central Intelligence Directorate of the United States with informants from Russia and China.

Last week, the CIA leadership notified employees around the world about the frequent cases of arrest, liquidation, compromising and transferring foreign sources. The greatest fear was caused by situations in Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan.

Telegram senders believe that the communication of reconnaissance management with informants made it difficult to success Russian and Chinese experts in the field of innovation. In their opinion, competing intelligence services use artificial intelligence, biometric scanning, person recognition systems and other technologies to track movements of the CIA employees in order to identify their informants.

Deepmind first reported on profit

In 2020, the British II-Laboratory of DeepMind, included in the Alphabet holding, earned $ 59.6 million. Before that, it functioned at a loss – for example, in 2019 it amounted to $ 649 million.

According to reports submitted to the British Registration Chamber, over the year the company’s turnover increased from $ 361.9 million to $ 1.2 billion.

Deepmind did not indicate the reason for the increase in profit. The leap may be associated with the growth of sales of own products to other Alphabet divisions, including Google, YouTube and X.

Alphabet launched in Australia the delivery of goods by drones

Wing, a subsidiary of Alphabet, launched the testing of drones for the delivery of products from the roofs of shopping centers.

The program started in the Australian city of Logan, where the deliveryer cooperates with the retail group Vicinity Centers. There, drones fly with the Logan’s Grand Plaza shopping center and spread land, tea, smoothies, over -the -counter medicines, personal hygiene products and other products.

In the first six weeks of the drones, more than 50,000 deliveries were carried out. In the future, Alphabet plans to expand the number of its trading partners in the city center and the transportation zone.

General Motors introduced a system for unmanned cars Ultra Cruise

The General Motors Auto Concert announced the assistance system for the driver Ultra Cruise, which will allow driving a car “without a person’s participation in 95% of scenarios on any asphalt road of the USA and Canada”.

ADAS is based on Ultifi software and uses cameras with a review of 360 degrees, as well as radars and lidars to create three -dimensional statistical images of the environment. Ultra Cruise has an additional sensor behind the windshield with an integrated 5-nm scalable computing architecture.

The system will be able to automatically change the lane, maintain a distance and observe speed restrictions, rotate it independently, respond to traffic light signals, avoid obstacles and park in residential areas.

At the same time, the concern posted the implementation of the Super Cruise system into Cadillac Escalade cars due to the shortage of semiconductors until 2022.

Google has used algorithm to control traffic lights in Israel

Google has used artificial intelligence to optimize the operation of a traffic light, due to which it reduced the consumption of fuel and delayed transport traffic in two cities of Israel by 10-20%.

AI system is at an early stage and is part of the software initiative of the technical gigant as part of the fight against climate change. Google’s leadership supported the call of employees and eco -groups to use their influence to counteract global warming, despite close cooperation with oil companies.

Now the company plans to test the software in Rio de Janeiro.

In the USA, the military’s brain plan to “cleanse” with AI

The US Army allocated $ 2.8 million to develop a “sleeping cap” to remove metabolic waste from the military brain during sleep.

At the first stages, the device will analyze and adjust the flow of spinal fluid. Then the researchers will combine data using machine learning in order to transmit information to doctors in real time and treat sleep disturbances.

Preliminary results of the project will appear in 2022.

A robot capable of walking on a rope and skate is represented

Researchers from the California Technological Institute created a two -legged Leonardo (LEO) robot, which can fly, walk on a rope and ride a skateboard.

The device uses multi -sustainable supports and propeller devices to maintain a balance on unstable structures. It is also able to smoothly switch between walking, flight or their combination depending on the environment and obstacles.

In the future, researchers plan to equip the robot with Algorithm for driving drone planting and create a tougher frame so that Leo can be used for complex and dangerous work.

Google AI restored the paintings of Gustav Klimt, destroyed during the Second World War

Specialists from Google Ai recreated the destroyed paintings of Gustav Klimt using artificial intelligence.

Engineers trained a model for more than 90,000 works of art and missed the artist’s canvases through it to reproduce his color palette. Then the developers studied the preserved records of the destroyed paintings of Klimt to bring the work of AI to the style of the Austrian modernist.

Using the information found and the algorithm developed, the team painted black and white photographs of “medicine”, “jurisprudence” and “philosophy”, allegedly destroyed by fire during the Second World War.

Also on FORKLOG:

  • China has submitted the ethical principles of artificial intelligence regulation.
  • Informant: Facebook uses algorithms to incite hatred for profit.
  • Skolkovo proposed creating unified ethics in AI.
  • ClearView AI announced the face recognition function in masks.
  • Former Uber drivers sued the company because of the “racist” person recognition system.
  • The European Parliament called for the ban on the use of persons recognition systems in public places.
  • Boston Dynamics Robops are involved in cleaning nuclear waste in Chernobyl.

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